Asking you to look for answers from without and from within you.

It is this writers objective to help encourage the free research, inquiry and opinion in to the meaning of the words of Jesus specifically relating to behavior and attitude.
The meaning of Scripture

It's my observation that the "interpretation" of scripture can reveal a great deal about the interpreter, much like the Rorschach test in psychology. Maybe more about the "interpreter" than God or perhaps that's the whole point.

There is a common tendency to deliver "scripture" in definite and "clear" terms ie "the Bible clearly states such and such". It is my opinion that one can not do this without the bias or commentary of the "deliverer". 

There is essentially no way to avoid this even under the strictest of scholarly tactics.

Is there really anything wrong with this?

Not to my thinking. As long as it is understood that there is no ultimate all knowing authority no matter how ancient, charismatic or venerable. The decisions made and opinions formed by all of us are soley dependant on our own criteria. And so they should be!

That said, I will add to this commentary my own inquiries and attempts to provoke thought and discussion.
